Thursday, May 2, 2013

Love yourself

Along the lines of my last post, I offer a further examination of "beauty."
I have a couple friends who are obsessed with how they appear, utterly convinced that they must be rail thin to get a man's attention. The truth is, that superficial mumbo-jumbo you've been fed since high school by TV and movies isn't true.
I've had over a dozen guy friends inform me — more than once in some cases — that watching a woman starve herself or workout to extremes to reach that "goal weight" is actually a turn off, not on. And if any man calls you fat or tells you to loose weight, the extra pounds you should be loosing is him.

My husband has never told me at what moment he knew he loved me, but I know it was very early on in our relationship. On one of our first dates, he got to watch me scarf down a fully dressed, 1/4 pound bacon cheese burger. I thought the sauce and juice dripping down my arms might be a turn off, but it's possible that's the moment he fell in love with me.
Every once and awhile when I'm off in my own little world, dancing in the car or sliding around in my stocking feet, I catch him looking at me with a smirk with look of adoration in his eyes. 
That's not to say I don't ever get self conscious or down on myself about my weight — I do. Particularly when I haul out the summer wardrobe and discover nothing fits — it sucks. But my husband has never once put me down about my weight, in fact he thinks I'm mental when I do complain about it.

Too many women settle for abusive men because they think they can't do any better. Figuring out how to love yourself without a man is far better than putting up with any form degradation.

Your goal should not be changing yourself for a guy — the right guy will be attracted to you for who you are, all of what makes you you, inside and out.
