I have been absent from this space for some time now, partially
due to my becoming pregnant with our first child. Our darling daughter was born
in August.

While I was pregnant I was proud to show off my baby bump. I
was relieved and pleased that the hormone influx did not cause me to become one
of those women who complain about becoming “fat” (you’re not fat, you’re
I spent months mentally preparing myself for the remaining
weight that would be — possibly permanently — added to my physique.
I have never
been a skinny girl, I’ve always been a tad “solid” in regards to my weight.
Truth is, now that I'm there, it’s not OK — I’m not OK.
I look in the mirror and I see fat and flab.
In the photos
taken of us with our daughter I could not see past the double chin that seemed
to come out of no where when I looked down at our precious bundle of joy. I
feel odd, out of sorts and not like myself — I used to love myself but now I’m
not so sure.
These photos are an act of courage on my part, to post my
imperfections for all the world to see. In my mind this is the first step down
a long road to loving myself again, as I am.
I want to accept my battle scars
with pride. I want to be self-assured that I am beautiful, just as I am.
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