Friday, August 24, 2012

Gypsy's tale

Young girl drawn by colors bright,
Transfixed by magic in fire light.
Harken! Drums call feet to stir.
In the dark, the dancers blur.

Gypsy, dance for me.

Older now, her heart is torn,
Drum beats move the men to war.
Thunderous cries drive love to ride,
Across the land, to live or die.

Banners snap along the field,
Brave young souls with sword and shield.
Glint of metal as coins once bright,
By the fires, on hips wrapped tight.

Gypsy, dance for me.

She hears the cries, feels the pain
Of foes and kinsmen newly slain.

Heart pounds out a panicked pace,
Whirling, spinning colors race.

Fires burn, but not for them,
Glowing on ships for fallen men.
Drums in the dark to lead them home,
Pulsing beat through blood and bone.

Gypsy, dance for me.

From inner pain comes new life,
Hailed by dancing fire bright.
What was lost, she now reclaims,
In a daughter of the flames.

Gathered round, the women keep,
by the fire, while men folk sleep.
Feet to earth and hands to sky,
Magic in a young one's eyes.

Gypsy, dance for me.


  1. Nice. You have caught the dancer´s vision well. You might think about tightening up some verses ("She hears the cries, feels the pain / of foes and kinsmen _newly_ slain" or "Fires burn, but not for them / _glow_ on ships for fallen men", etc), but that is a minor thing. Your concept is an excellent one!


    1. Thank you!
      That one line in particular (foes and kinsmen) had been bothering me, but I couldn't see how to fix it.
