I hate cooking. I really do. Anything “from scratch” is typically exhausting and kitchen destroying in my view. I cook as an act of survival because myself and my family needs to eat. Some who view my “repertoire” might assume me to have a limited or unrefined palate — I don’t think that’s true. The fact of the matter is I greatly enjoy eating and trying new foods, I just do not enjoy preparing food. The addition of a toddler to the mix does nothing to help my apathy on the matter.
We are friends with many "foodies" and cooking enthusiasts. While on the one hand this grants the occasional opportunity to taste lovely things, it also leaves me with an irrational feeling of inadequacy or feeling judged. Not directly judged mind you — our friends would never be so rude or unkind. But reading things they share on social media on the subject often leave me saddened (this also falls under the “never read the comments” rule I keep forgetting to adhere to).
I cook with processed foods. I use things in jars, cans and boxes. Ingredients that are dried or frozen. Often on comments I see the ingredients I use being railed against: “I would never stoop so low as to using {blank}” and “I always {make my own, buy fresh, etc.}”. While never directed at me personally, I still feel hurt. Rationally, I understand these statements are a matter of pride for those making them, but it still makes me feel “lesser than” for my cooking.
I try to make relatively healthy, tasty food. It’s a task that’s only going to get harder as our baby gets older and (eventually) our family getting bigger. And I love you dearly, but friends who say “it’s really simple, you just…” do not understand — your idea of simple very rarely matches my own (bless your hearts all the same for wanting to help).
My point is this: Quick does not equal “lazy”. Simple and convenient does not equal “disgusting”. My type of cooking does not mean I’m uneducated or “lesser than”. And thus far I have not gotten a complaint on anything I make (that I myself deem a success).
To the foodie world in general: by all means, be proud of what you’ve accomplished culinary wise, but please stop glaring down your nose at the rest of us — you are different than me, that by no means makes you better than me.