I cook with processed foods. I use things in jars, cans and boxes. Ingredients that are dried or frozen. Often on comments I see the ingredients I use being railed against: “I would never stoop so low as to using {blank}” and “I always {make my own, buy fresh, etc.}”. While never directed at me personally, I still feel hurt. Rationally, I understand these statements are a matter of pride for those making them, but it still makes me feel “lesser than” for my cooking.
I try to make relatively healthy, tasty food. It’s a task that’s only going to get harder as our baby gets older and (eventually) our family getting bigger. And I love you dearly, but friends who say “it’s really simple, you just…” do not understand — your idea of simple very rarely matches my own (bless your hearts all the same for wanting to help).
My point is this: Quick does not equal “lazy”. Simple and convenient does not equal “disgusting”. My type of cooking does not mean I’m uneducated or “lesser than”. And thus far I have not gotten a complaint on anything I make (that I myself deem a success).
To the foodie world in general: by all means, be proud of what you’ve accomplished culinary wise, but please stop glaring down your nose at the rest of us — you are different than me, that by no means makes you better than me.