I'm not sick — I have no disease or debilitating injury. This leads me to wonder if this is "normal" or not. Yes it's my normal — but does everyone feel this way? Is there really something I could do to "fix" it?

Some days I can take a dose of Ibuprofen and be fine. A lot of days I take a "max" dose (four pills) every four-six hours and it merely dulls the pain, doesn't get rid of it. Hell, sometimes I take the max dose of Ibuprofen and one or two Naproxen, and it still only dulls the pain so I can function. (note — none of my pain medications are prescription strength)
Yes, I've spoken to doctors before about my issues, and I know it's probably about time I bring it up again — but that's not the point of this entry.
The point is, I'm hardly ever actually "pain free." Which is what makes me wonder if anyone is...